Advent 3 - The Berlin Gaudete I
I feel much better than that poet in Cologne
unfortunate bloke with eyeballs shaped like eggs
and I am better since I am the one
who feels how deep inside the duckling pecks
Survivor of the Munich Bronx
I fought and labored as a kid
they pumped grey milk into my songs
but now I walk through Berlin in Paul Smith
I walk in beauty where you would expect
the hunchbag posture of a tortured child
a show of handsomeness oppressed
and sidewalks in this wild take fire from my light
I walk this capital of erstwhile evil good
erstwhile erstwhile you mean only a mile ago
take power from the poet who at corners stood
stand with him a second while and you will know
I walk and walk until I find the way to roam
since I was told they roam here in a hidden room
behind the pane a man with golden microphone
to graceful women he appears to preach or croon
I long to go in but the towering door is locked
how good that gives us reader room to think
most surely I will enter may you know I knocked
once in a woman named Marie will offer me a drink
to me not you dear reader since you stay outside
a glass of wine she’ll ask some water please I’ll say
but for the moment still we stand united in the night
still savoring this point in time which flowers like in May
some moments they are mental high and monumental
not monomental since I count on you my reader
you are the one whom I adore no others are in rental
may you have faith in me I lead you through my lieder
but now Marie is opening the portal and I enter
and you must stay but do not lock your heart
the heart it knows its seasons skipping winter
as I to richest poverty am welcomed by great art